Dear All,
Thank you for your interest to our Mantra Lounge Event.
Please see below further details of what to expect on Arrival. We hope you will appreciate the steps we have taken to safeguard your health, in line with government guidance in regards to COVID-19.
- Please sanitise your hands in the reception area when arriving and living the studio.
- Please Maintain at least 1 metre distance from others, and you are recommended to wear a face covering.
Please see: - We will make sure there is enough ventilation in the room during the program.
- We will make sure the studio is cleaned and sanitized before the event.
- Please keep your socks on after removing your shoes.
- Avoid touching any items not belonging to you and carry your own belongings with you at all times.
- Avoid touching any surfaces.
- Cover a sneeze or cough with a tissue or bent elbow, and immediately dispose of tissue in a closed-lid bin.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
- Our vegan treat will be handed over at the end of the event as takeaway.
If you answer YES to any of the questions, please stay at home
Today or in the last 14 days
- Have you tested positive for Covid 19 ? YES/NO
- Do you have/have you had a fever (greater than 37.8 degrees Celsius) YES/NO
- Do you have /have you had any of the following new symptoms : cough, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, aches and pains, flu-like symptoms, diarrhoea? YES/NO
- Has anyone in your household or your contacts had/currently have the following new symptoms : fever, cough, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, aches and pains, flu-like symptoms, diarrhoea ? YES/NO
We look forward to welcoming you within these safety measures. If you have any additional concerns please do not hesitate to email us at
Kind Regards,
Kirtan Dublin Team