Our lead singer is Shubham who (fortunately for us) moved to Dublin in September and became an important member of our Kirtan Dublin Family. Shubham grew up in india, practicing Bhakti Yoga and Kirtan from childhood. If you were at our Last mantra lounge, you will surely remember his sweet and melodious kirtan he lead in the end that warmed everyone’s heart. If not, no worries! We recorded it for you here 😉

Date: Saturday 26th February at 6pm
Tickets Link: https://kirtandublin.eventbrite.com

Kirtan, also known as Mantra-Meditation is one among the various practices of Bhakti Yoga. Mantra-Meditation is a powerful practice for reawakening that true self. When you’re immersed in Kirtan, you feel illuminated from within, and the external world, with all its worry and confusion, melts away in that light. Kirtan is easy, intuitive and inclusive – anyone can take part and feel its joy.

We request you all to reserve online as places are limited and tickets are on sale online only.

We would like to request anyone with Covid-19 symptoms to please not attend the program for everyone’s safety.