**POSTPONED – Due to Level 3 Restrictions**
Get ready for Mantra Lounge on Saturday 26th September at 7pm in Elbowroom studios, Stoneybatter.
Our lead singer is Krsna Lila, a bhakti yoga practitioner and co founder of Kirtan London. Krsna Lila’s love for kirtan has led him to serving on the London Mantra Lounge team since it’s inception. He now manages the evenings with his wife Lalita.
Kirtan also known as Mantra Meditation is a powerful yoga practice. It is a call-and-response style of singing where the leader sings a mantra and the audience response back. Kirtan is special, not only because of reasons such as it brings about a positive energy, connects people or calms the mind but because of the special effects it produces, it brings you with a connection with the divine.
Whether you are looking for some spiritual/ heart transformation, or you need some time away from the current situation and stress of daily life or even, if you are looking for some time to rejuvenate, Kirtan is the place to be.
Each of our mantra lounge session is followed by a vegan treat and time to connect with like minded souls.
Due to COVID-19, our tickets will be sold online only and are limited to a small number. Those without a ticket will unfortunately not be allowed in.
Please see our COVID Guidelines here:- https://kirtandublin.ie/covid-19-guidelines/